Is a lack of Instagram coverage the modern-day death knell of a relationship? The internet seems to think so for 'Love Island' runner-ups Chloe Burrows and Toby Armolaran.
A source close to the couple spills the beans to The Irish Sun on their current relationship struggles, "They are both really busy with work, so they haven't seen as much of each other, and there is the added pressure of transferring a reality TV romance into everyday life".
Chloe Burrows -
Toby Aromolaran
Superfans began to take notice of the potential break-up about a week ago, citing in a 'Love Island' thread on Reddit that the pair have not liked each other's most recent Instagram posts and have not appeared on each other's pages for a few weeks now — an inevitable break-up pre-cursor to deleting all evidence of them from their feed? Or a merely a byproduct of the busy lifestyle that comes with stardom?
One Reddit user seems to disagree with any breakup allegations and has even gone as far as to provide citations for reasons to disprove the conspiracy, "they have this neon sign she posted a week ago, her most recent Youtube upload from 9 days ago is about him, and she tweeted about him less than a week ago as well".
While relationships can't always be comparing your foot size to your mental state or reminding a partner that you are in fact "a weapon", everyone is waiting with bated breath for a sign of life from the pair; a story, a 'like', a tweet, or some symbol of hope that this rumour is nothing more than a very muggy violation.