There's probably more chances of pigs flying and this amazing weather lasting the rest of the month than there is Lindsay Lohan actually taking advice on her rehab treatment, so even though she has been advised to spend another 30 days in rehab, we really don't see it happening.

Lindsay has been urged to extend her stay at the Cliffside facility in Malibu beyond July 31 - which is when she completes her 90 days of court-ordered rehabilitation - because doctors want to make sure she makes a full recovery from her substance abuse issues. However apparently she has told pals she won't be staying a minute longer than she has to, which we can imagine is the 100% truth.

According to 'Lindsay has been doing so well at Cliffside. She is responding very, very well to treatment. The treatment team wants Lindsay to stay for at least another 30 days, because she didn't do her entire 90 days at Cliffside. Someone with her addiction and psychiatric issues needs extensive treatment and 90 days just isn't enough. She is in a really good place right now, but her doctors want that to continue.'

Lohan was forced to spend three months in rehab as part of a deal she struck to avoid jail after lying to police officers about driving in a car accident last year, and she is said to be responding well to the 12-step programme and has been telling friends she 'wants to get back to her true self'. Then maybe you should stick around a bit longer and not necessarily run back to your old enablers, AKA those friends and her mother who she plans on moving back in with.