Finding out where your leanings lie in the bedroom department can be a lengthy and very confusing/unnerving process (the first two people I ever had a crush on were girls. Then the first boy I fancied turned out to be gay. And so did the second... It was all a bit confusing for a while). That time of your life fan be made ten times easier if you're being brought up in an environment of "acceptance and equality." In short, a lot of people should get some pointers from Mr and Mrs Dunham.

Lena Dunham says her "connection" to the LGBT community is so 'strong' she was overjoyed when her 22-year-old sister, Grace, came out at the age of 17.

Speaking at Point Honors Gala in New York, which helps LGBT students and those who are questioning their sexuality, Lena said: "I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me when I came of age and realised that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, I thought, 'Thank God, now someone in this family can truly represent my beliefs and passions'."

She added: "We were raised in an environment, the art world of downtown Manhattan, where no one hid their sexual orientation and a common question from 4-year-old me was, ‘Mom, are those ladies gay together?' I was always very jealous of any child who had two dads. And because of our parents' deeply held commitment to acceptance and equality, my sister's process of coming to terms with her sexuality was as angst-free as anything involving sex can really be. She was assured by the adults in her life that she was not only accepted but adored for who she is. I am so happy that this is the way she was able to enter the world as a woman and an LGBTQ person."

Lena - who is in a relationship with Fun. guitarist Jack Antonoff - finds gay men attractive, and joked that she had dated a couple in the past.

She laughed: '"This is probably the most attractive room I have yet to enter, Gay men clean up real good, which is probably why I have dated so many of you."

Speaking of her history of dating gay me, she said: "It's something I'm actually proud of. The best option is that people who are confused about their sexuality feel really comfortable with me. The worst option is that I turn them."