That'll learn ya, wha' Kimmy?! The first thing she did wrong was give the design house grief on twitter... then she spelled the name wrong. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
@KimKardashian Dear Kim - let us know which one you need and we'll send it to you. And Mr. Armani's first name is Giorgio.
— Armani (@armani) June 15, 2015
Hey, at least they're personally sending you out the foundation, Kim, they wouldn't do that for just anyone. Just don't f*ck with the brand name in front of your millions of followers, mmmmkay?
In response to the faux pas, Kim responded with the excuse I wheel out whenever the internal spellcheck has a knickerfit,..
Thank you so much and my apologies on the spelling error, this expecting Mommy is a tad sleep deprived. ;-)
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) June 16, 2015
In this instance, that winky face is universal code for "I'm THIS close to using the middle finger emoji, but I can't."