Tis a sad day when you learn that celebrities who used to be hot, now look like greasy hobos. John Mayer is one such person. Despite turning out as a dishevelled cross between Russell Brand and Johnny Depp - one which isn't working - he still remains a dab hand with the ladies. And which famous female has this lothario nabbed of late? Why Katy Perry of course. It's not unusual for people to date someone straight after a break up who looks quite a lot like the person they just broke up with. Can you see the similarities? The only question here is which man is the douchiest. Brand is currently waiting to complete 20 hours of community service after smashing up somebody's iPhone. He's also in trouble with current co-star Billy Connolly after he refused to start filming until a wardrobe girl flashed her breasts at him. But then you have Mayer who despite having one of the creamiest voices in the business, says things like this: "He looked like a brown guy but sounded like a white guy," "Sometimes I wish that I was the weather," and "If I wasn't thought of as a young Bruce Springsteen before, I sure am now." OK maybe Brand comes off better in this round.

Anyhoo, Katy was papped heading home with the singer after an alleged dinner date at an LA restaurant. As per The Sun, Katy was sure to keep her head right down as she rode in the passenger seat (Mayer was driving) but she couldn't help letting a cheeky little smile from escaping. While there's nothing much else to report about this yet, we do know that they've been spending a lot of 'professional' time together, working on music and have hooked up for quite a few nights of flirty fun.

As for Katy and John as a full on celebrity couple? We'll let you decide, yay or nay?