So, a big NEEEH to you.

Ah no, to clarify, the 19-year-old singer was being more specific; he doesn't care how his recent antics - such as visiting a brothel or annoying his neighbours with his kerayzee parties and noisy cars - are perceived because he is happy with the person he is becoming.

He said: "Not 'I don't give a f**k' to just be reckless and do whatever, but 'I don't give a f**k' what [people] say. I know who I am and what I'm doing in my life and what I've accomplished and continue to accomplish as a performer, as a writer, as an artist, as a person, as a human being. I'm happy with the man I'm becoming."

Has anyone else got the urge to applaud? I'm not even being facetious, it take balls to say something like that. What makes it more impressive is that he's not American.

He also admitted he only trusts his parents and manager Scooter Braun. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter he said: "You shouldn't trust anybody. I trust Scooter with my career, he's always made sure I'm taken care of. That's it."

That's probably for the best, even if it's not the healthiest outlook in the grander scheme of things.

My mum once said something similar, she said: "You only have yourself to rely on." She may have been right, but it's still kind've a sad thing to find yourself believing.