There really is nothing as frantic and terrifying as losing something important in the back of a taxi.

Not only that, it's especially terrifying if it's not on MyTaxi or Lyft or Uber and it's just a random pick-up. Throw in as well the fact that you might not have your full mental capacity and it's even more terrifying still. Well, that's exactly what happened to a PhD student from NUI Maynooth. Jamal Sur was, according to his Facebook post, out celebrating his thesis corrections and got into a cab around 3.30AM just outside Iskanders on College Green on May 6th, with the intent of heading home to Cherry Orchard.

As Jamal states in the post, he nodded off in the journey, awoke in a disorientated state and then left the cab without his bag. As you do in these things, you post your tale of woe on Facebook and hope that people will spread the word.

One person who you don't expect to pick up on said tale of woe is billionaire author and pop culture phenomenon JK Rowling. Yet, that's exactly what happened. Rowling tweeted out Jamal's plight, adding that it's one of her worst nightmares.

As of writing, it appears as though Jamal hasn't found his laptop or bag, but it can only be a matter of time because, let's face it, it's JK Rowling and the story's gone far and wide in the space of an hour or so. Rowling's tweet so far has close to 3,500 retweets and has been picked up locally and internationally already.

If you happen to know a cabbie who recently came into possession of a laptop bag, there's a small army of Harry Potter fans out there looking for it.


Via Twitter