Depending on who you ask, J.Law and Tony from Skins are either back together or merely jumping each others bones, but seeing as we're the romantic type we're going to believe it's love and not just lust.

The couple who split in January after two years of dating had remained friends and after spending time together on the set of 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' recently, they decided to give their relationship another chance. A source told Us Weekly: 'They started the shoot in April as just friends and then one day they started kissing. One thing lead to another and they hooked up. All her old feelings came rushing back. Jennifer has been telling people she's in love again.'

The reconciliation will not come as a surprise to fans, as in an interview shortly before their break-up Jennifer gushed about her feelings for Nicholas, saying: 'He is honestly my best friend, and hopefully I'm his best friend, too ... I love being around him and he makes me laugh harder than anybody.'

Hoult also repeatedly praised his ex in public, congratulating her on her Best Actress Oscar win in February with a simple: 'I'm very, very happy for her.' Which is really what anyone would say to someone who won an Oscar, unless they're a dickhead.