Jay Z is an absolute legend. Agreed? In one swift move he's managed to come across as the coolest guy in the music bid'nis, pointing out that no matter who has won an award, they probably deserved to have won it (be it rap or country music), he's fulfilled Taylor Swift's need for a sweet act of revenge ever since Kanye pissed all over her VMA parade in 2009 AND by interrupting the man himself as he collected their award during the 2012 BET's, he's given an often cocky performer a much needed taste of his own medicine. And he probably made his baby momma Beyonce very proud too.

Sure it's three years on but still, Kanye looked like a pure eejit as not just anyone but his esteemed colleague and confidant Jay Z took the mickey out of him as the pair collected their Best Video of the Year award for their track, Otis.

'I want to thank BET...' said Kanye before Jay butted in with 'Excuse me Kanye I am going to let you continue...'

As you can see in the video below, laughter soon erupted with a mortified Kanye left with no choice but to laugh it off and take what he's had coming for quite some time now, like a man.

More on the BETs here.