James Franco may be a bit of a weirdo who we're not exactly sure how we feel about, but after this stunt he's at least back on the good side of the fence, having done something that is pretty sound on a recent photo shoot in LA.
Franco was doing a shoot at a private home in Beverly Hills when the owner's 15-year-old daughter Greta Pasqua, who is admittedly James Franco obsessed, came along and asked if she could get a photo with him. The two got chatting and turns out Greta 'was really depressed because her boyfriend had just broken up with her', and so James gave her a little pep talk about love and life and then did the honourable thing and helped her get some payback on her ex. How? By getting all huggy with her in a photo so she could put it up on Facebook.
Okay, so it's not exactly going around and scaring the crap out of the guy in person, but Franco knows how the modern world works and apparently said, 'Post it on Facebook and tell him to eat his heart out!'.
And according to Us Weekly, it worked, with the ex 'all of a sudden starting to think he made the wrong decision!".
So James Franco is back in our good books. For now.