Kerry footballer, former teacher and sometime fashionista Paul Galvin and the board of his old school St Brendan's College in Killarney have paid out €8,000 to a pupil who sued them after allegedly being hit by a blackboard duster three years ago.

Known for his temper as much as his skills on the pitch, Galvin apparently threw a duster which 'connected with Nathan Adams' head' who was only 15 at the time and sued the school and Galvin through his father for personal injuries through the Circuit Civil Court. The issues was settled and a sum was paid to the court, and yesterday as Adams turned 18, the court paid him out the tidy sum of €8,000.

'Nathan Adams ( a minor) suing by his father and next friend Gerry Adams - V - Paul Galvin And the Board of Management of St Brendan's College Killarney,' was listed as payment out after three long years of waiting for the teen. Not so shabby a birthday present now is it? Although according to the report he's got a scar on his head to show for it, as well as suffering 'distress, psychological upset and his social, domestic and recreational life was affected' per the court claim. Nothing a bit of cash can't solve. Hope you bought yourself something nice Nathan.