There are some really big Lord of the Rings fans out there…

The actor, who played the wizard in six films across the LOTR and The Hobbit trilogies, revealed to the Daily Mail that he was offered $1.5 million to marry a famous but unnamed couple in California.

‘I would perhaps have considered doing [it] but I had to go dressed as Gandalf,’ McKellen explained. ‘So I said, ‘I am sorry. Gandalf doesn’t do weddings.'’

According to the Mail (who titled the article ‘I won't be Lord of the Wedding rings', teehee), ‘the offer was made via an intermediary on behalf of Silicon Valley tycoon Sean Parker, co-founder of the record-streaming service Napster and the first president of Facebook.’

Parker married Alexandra Lenas in a Tolkien-themed wedding in 2013, which reportedly cost $10 million. Apparently though, money can't buy you everything...


Via The Daily Mail