For all those times when using real words is too much effort but you still want to explain that you're hoping to get the job done, these sexy, NSFW emojis are there for you. 

They come from four Californian designers who noticed a gap in the market for emojis that were not very safe for work and were sexual in nature, and so they designed a whole range for use in the appropriate (or inappropriate) moment. 

They're called Flirtmoji, and while they're not available in the Apple store due to them being a bit too raunchy, you can go to the website and copy and paste them in to your conversations. If you create an account, you even get 15 more NSFW emoji to use as you please. 

Pic via i100

Speaking to The Verge, one of the designers, Katy McCarthy said that they were designed to help people communicate better when it comes to sex, because sometimes finding the right words is a difficult thing to do: "I think with sex there are things that are really hard to say and hard to ask for, and that’s such a beautiful window to be able to provide someone with language". And they say romance is dead...

Via i100/The Verge