When someone titles a blog post 'President Pussygrabber', it's fair to say they were a little bit disappointed with Tuesday night's election results. 

George R. R. Martin took to his blog yesterday to share his feelings about Donald Trump's win in the US Presidential election and the succinct blog post predicts the kind of doom and gloom you'd expect in Westeros when there are no good men left to stand up to the oppression of characters such as Ramsay Bolton. 

"I really thought we were better than this. Guess not. "

The post goes on to describe how the least qualified candidate ever to be nominated to run for President by a major party will become a "dangerously unstable player on the world stage" and that the decimated Democratic Party will have no power to hinder him. 

Martin signs off the blog post with the most obvious of Game of Thrones references but at the same time it made us giggle a little so kudos to him for that. 

"Winter is coming. I told you so."

You can read the post in full here.