HURRAY FOR FOUR DAY WEEKS! It's been the longest shortest week ever on account of Paddy's Day being on a Monday (full recuperation was only achieved yesterday), but it's Friday again so here are the votes from the jury.

Their most read articles this week include a wide range of topics including an Updated Diary of a Skincare Obsessive. Resident beauty writer Laura spills about her skincare secrets and - believe us - she knows a rake load. For example, the first time we met during a night out I had her cornered for a good half hour regarding the emerging psoriasis that's been going to town on my face since a stint in a particularly dry hospital last November. Within minutes, she'd pinpointed where I was going wrong - it just took half an hour for the information to sink in because she was sober whereas I'd gone to town on the free wine. Another clear indication of where I'm going wrong (on many levels).

If you've got blue eyes, hair that needs lengthening in a hurry, and a few pounds to shed in approximately 30 days, you might want also want to check out the lowdown on Microbead Hair Extensions, the best eye makeup to make blue peepers pop, and the skinny on Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. The latter currently has the women of Ireland a-hoppin' and a-cursin' around their living rooms.

As usual, there are more reviews than you can shake an emery board at, with insights into Elizabeth Arden's new Nighttime Miracle Moisturiser (it's the latest addition to the much-loved Eight Hour Cream range, don't you know); Benefit's new new complexion perfector The Big Easy; and Essie's new Encrusted Treasures Collection, which is essentially a blingtastic evening wardrobe for your nails.

Lastly... have you got the entire cast of Narnia bursting forth from your wardrobe? If there's no room left for The Lion or The Witch, you may consider turning your humble vehicle into a Cardrobe. Hey, it's better than a floordrobe...

>Friday's Fix: budget buys, chat up lines, hero highlighters, reviews and more...