We've probably all sat down and wondered what we would do with all that cash if we ended up winning the Euromillions, but probably very few of us have imagined that we'd do what this winner in France did.

When you throw your few quid into the office syndicate every week or if you pop to the local shop to fill in your form, there's always the hope that, against the odds, yours will be the numbers drawn and you'll be an instant millionaire. But then what? Solid gold house? Rocket car? Well one man in France has decided that the €72 million he won recently on the Euromillions was a bit too much for him and has decided to donate €50 million of it to charity.  

According to RTE, the winner is from the Haute-Garonne area of southwestern France, and that the money will be shared between ten NGOs that work with disadvantaged groups and people.

Denis Muzet, a sociologist based in France, said that the donation from the winner, who has chosen to remain anonymous, couldn't have come at a better time, saying that "in a society in crisis, in search of moral reference points, where money dominates everything, his action makes sense."

Via RTE News