So if you've been in the nation's capital, or more specifically been near Dublin City Centre this past week, you may have noticed that The Spire is not looking like itself.
That's because it's looking like something else. A lightsaber to be exact. That's right, the national monument now looks like the weapon used exclusively by Jedi Knights.
If you're a Star Wars fan you would have been delighted by this. If you're not a Star Wars fan you're reaction has probably been "Meh". Though a lot of non Star Wars fans would have at least hoped that Dublin City Council would have benefited financially from this. Well we've got bad news folks. They didn't get a cent.
Despite the fact that London authorities were able to command a few of around €33,000 for a similar publicity stunt using Nelson’s Column on Trafalgar Square, Dublin City Council have confirmed that they did not charge Disney anything.
Although Dublin City Council argue that it's not costing them anything and that it will bring some festive cheer to the O'Connell St. area people are annoyed that they weren't former with the house of mouse in securing a fee that could have been re-appropriated to charitable organisations in the city.