So we all know Charlie Sheen fancies himself a bit of a mentor to Lindsay Lohan. It's inevitable that two fallen stars, who've completely lost it altogether, would eventually find each other and become one fat disaster waiting to happen. Charlie whisked her off on a bender holiday before her forthcoming 90 day stint in rehab. He's nice like that. But could it be that Charlie's intentions are less than honourable? Does he fancy her? Check him out right here, giving Lindsay an oul grope on the red carpet for the Scary Movie 5 premiere. That looks more like a man in love to us, than a doting father figure. And Lohan seems to be enjoying it too. Ewww.

While the thoughts of these two getting it on sends our gag reflex into action, it is worth pointing out how serene and genuinely happy Lohan appears in this pic. Could it be that the one person who you'd imagine would be the worst kind of influence on someone as fragile and impressionable as Lohan would actually be their saving grace?

Worth considering.

Scary Movie 5 hits cinemas today and truth be told, we'd rather eat our own arms then go and see it we're excited. Check back here later on for a deliciously scathing review.