Sam Worthington's disorderly conduct charge has been dropped amid speculation he was method acting. While he was at it, he should've gone to a fancy clothes shop and stole a load of ankle socks and hair bobbins like Winona Ryder circa 2001.

The Avatar star was arrested on Saturday for allegedly fighting outside a bar and had to be subdued by a bouncer with pepper spray but all charges against the actor were dropped yesterday after the bouncer failed to show up in court.

Security man Jerry Link - who handcuffed the 36-year-old actor until police arrived at The Vortex bar in Atlanta, Georgia after he allegedly pushed the doorman for being refused entry because he appeared intoxicated and failed to produce any ID - claims he had no idea Sam was an actor and never received a notification to appear in court.

He told TMZ that he presumed the Australian actor was a homeless man because he arrived at the bar and grill wearing a dirty sweatshirt and carrying a pile of clothes.

Jerry also claimed that upon being pepper sprayed, Sam - who is currently in the city filming his new movie Ten alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in which he is playing a DEA agent - began screaming: "I'm a DEA agent. You f**ked up now!"

All charges against the actor have now been dismissed despite reports that the incident was captured in full by the bar's security cameras.