Did you wake up today and just feel like something was off? Like you know you've forgotten something but can't for the life of you remember what it is? Your mother's birthday? Nope. Something more important than that.

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Some people might have spent yesterday protesting about, well the country being f*cked and all, but Captain Morgan and his merry bunch of men had more pressing matters on their mind. The Captain led a march on Leinster House in an effort to get the government to recognise 'pirate talk' as an official dialect here in Ireland.

In a rallying cry that Churchill would have been proud of, the Captain said, 'We be here outside Leinster House to get these parliamentarians in ship shape 'n get them to recognise 'tis ancient seafarin' dialect. I’m callin' on all th' buccaneers out thar to tap into their maverick spirit 'n get votin' #PirateTalk along wit' #Yay or #Nay.'

If you're in any doubt about your pirate speaking ability be sure to check out the informative and educational video below. Now is the time to act people, let's make a change our children will be proud of.