Time to get the saucer of milk out for Amanda Bynes. And possibly some of her crazy medicine. Determined, by any means necessary, to stay in the headlines, she's just come out to brand Miley Cyrus 'ugly'. Did she write it in her burn book? Grow up Amanda. Or don't, we enjoy your outbursts immensely. What we recommend is that you challenge Miley to a 'twerk-off'. That'll settle this feud fair and square. Clearly green with envy that her enemy's doing so well, her We Can't Stop single is no.1 on God knows how many charts, Amanda took to Twitter to post a pic of the girl she loves to hate along with the caption 'Ur ugly'.

She then continued with the following outbursts.

@AmandaBynes: This is my twitter. I say whatever I want. Thanks!

@AmandaBynes: It's an honour for me to follow you on twitter. If I don't follow you it's because you're not worth following.

And then perpetual shit stirrer Perez Hilton got dragged in when one of Amanda's fans reminded her of how ugly he is.

@AmandaBynes if you're ever upset, just remember Perez made a vine about you and he looked like this, which Amanda then rewteeted. Then Perez came back to say @PerezHilton At least I didn't feel like I needed a nose job to remove the webbing between my eyes.

Bitches be crazy, eh?