That Ashley Cole was seen out partying in Chinawhite, with the likes of Michelle Scott-Lee and Nikki Grahame, while Cheryl was performing in Glasgow...  That the welfare site, set up by the owner of, to help Pete Doherty when he emerged from prison only raised £17.10... That he said: "Sales have been somewhat disappointing - we only sold six stripey tops. We had planned to do a big presentation and get a big cheque made up but it seems pointless for a mere £17 quid and change"... That Stella McCartney wants to design Scarlett Johansson's wedding dress... That, of his daughters' accents, Brian McFadden said: "It's horrible the way they speak. They have skanky Northern English accents. It makes me want to scream"... That, if he spent more time with them, they'd have lovely DOOBHAHLINNN accents instead... That's a picture of him (performing at a random Australia's Next Top Model party) looking the spit of Perez Hilton... That, of 'celebrity', Sarah Jessica Parker said: "It's a culture of thuggery. It's so base. I feel very ashamed. I feel like I'm the town trollop. It makes me feel ashamed of my work. And I'm not. But I'm attached to this culture now in a way that it's kind of vulgar"...