Luodawei Xiao
Luodawei “Dawei” Xiao is an editor from Sichuan, China. While completing his BA in Comparative Literature and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong, Dawei participated in an exchange program at UC Irvine in film production and screenwriting. After graduating in 2018, Dawei moved to the United States, where he volunteered for the LA Film Festival and interned as a music video editor for Brooklyn Free Speech and Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Beyond editing, professional writing credits include THE COWARD, a 30-minute narrative film he also edited that premiered at the 2019 New Hope Film Festival in July.
He is currently an Editing Fellow at the American Film Institute Conservatory. This summer, he interned at Immortal Cinema International in Burbank, California, where he is responsible for media management, syncing and cutting select reels for short documentaries and promo videos for the homeless people in Orange County.