Maximiliano Contenti

Maximiliano Contenti

Director | Producer | Writer

Maximiliano "Maxi" Contenti (born January 6th 1984) Film director from Montevideo, Uruguay. He made numerous short films from an early age. In 2008 he made his first feature film, the indie horror-comedy Muñeco Viviente V (Puppet Pal V) In 2012 he directs the documentary Hélices (Blades) (Best documentary AtlanticDoc Festival - Uruguay). In 2013 he founded his production company Yukoh Films. In 2017 he co-directed the horror-comedy feature Neptunia (available at FILMIN streaming service)

In 2020 he premiered his horror film The Last Matinee (Al Morir la Matinee). The film has been an official selection at Sitges, PanicFest, Milwaukee, Calgary Underground, Cleveland and numerous international film festivals, including the A list Festival Internacional de Mar del Plata (Argentina). (Winner Best Film at Curtas Festival do Imaxinario, Spain)

He's currently in post production of the music documentary feature Hot Club of Montevideo, to be released in 2022.