Angela Latimer
Angela Latimer grew up in Chicago IL. She graduated from Chicago State University with a B.A. in Communications Media Arts and Theatre. It was there in which she gained an interest in edit- ing. Angela also had the opportunity to tour with various stage plays such as Fingernails Across The Chalkboard in New York where she worked in the Sound Department, and The National Black Theatre Festival in North Carolina, where she worked as the production house manager. After undergrad Angela chose to focus more on editing and freelance work. She teamed up with direc- tor Derek “Pretty Boy” Dow who at the time had just finished a feature film that was excelling in Chicago’’s Black Harvest Film Festival. Together they took on projects like music videos, documen- taries and short films, they also took a liking to competing in video competitions. The two won Ford Fiesta’’s 2011 video competition where their work would be seen on Ford’’s National website. After participating in competitions, work seemed to come in a lot slower and in need to cut something more than wedding videos and birthday parties Angela decided to take her craft a step further and apply to grad school. Angela now attends grad school at American Film Institute in Los Angeles California. Growing up in a lower middle class family of ten children this was a dream come true for Angela. Her dream was taken a step further when she recently was awarded a scholarship from Tom Yoda in the amount of $10,000 as well as a scholarship from Verizon Wireless in the amount of $4,000 to help pay for her tuition.