One man who knows a thing or two about obsessive fans is Justin Bieber.

Whether you're a fan of his music or not, there's no question that the Canadian pop star inspires scarily fanatic levels of devotion in his legion of Beliebers - which means that he needs a top-notch security team to ensure his personal safety.

When he's not telling his fans to stop screaming while he's talking during a gig, Bieber has things to say about his fanbase, as seen in new documentary 'Bodyguards: Secret Lives from the Watchtower'. His director of security, Mikey Arana, talks about how Bieber's fans have matured as they've gotten older and are now less likely to tear him limb from limb whenever they see him. "I remember when I first started with him – it may sound crazy, but three, four little girls – they have so much strength that they would literally rip his shirt, take off his hoodie," he said. "And if it's a big crowd, you could lose him in the crowd … But as the fans have grown with him, so has their approach to be able to just come up to him and go, 'Hey Justin, how are you?' and engage in conversation."

Bieber agrees, pressing the point that fans need to be QUIET when they're around him: "They actually want to act a little bit more sane so that maybe they get my attention," he says. "Because at this point, if you're screaming and super overwhelming, it's hard for me to connect with you."

Watch the clip from the documentary below:

Via Rolling Stone