The Classic Hits team have decided to change the time of their early morning breakfast show, since the longest distance most commuters have to do each morning is from their bed to the dining table.
Adopting a much more flexible approach to how they'll be presenting over the coming weeks, PJ and Jim will be changing their usual working hours to reflect that of the rest of the nation. Their breakfast show from radio station Classic Hits will now be kicking off two hours later Monday to Friday, and will be hitting the airwaves from 8am each morning.
The presenters will also be on the air until midday each day, with plenty of music, stories, and laughs to keep us motivated and "Wake Up Happy".
Morning from PJ and Jim.
The lads are live and laughing til the new time of midday today.
They've got prizes, laughs and the best in Classic Hits!
Listen Live >
— Classic Hits (@ClassicHitsRdio) April 1, 2020
Speaking about the new time change, presenter PJ Gallagher said: "No bother, 500 quid for cash!"
Expanding slightly more on the subject than his co-presenter did, Jim McCabe said: "We know our loyal listeners no longer have to put up with the morning commute to get to the desk anymore – some because they are working in the kitchen and some because their work place has had to close up shop.
"Our job is to make sure that everyone starts the day with a good laugh right now -- so we want to be there when you wake up and get the day off to the best start we can."
Taking up the mantle from 6am for the foreseeable future will be Trina Mara, while Niall Boylan will take over from PJ and Jim from midday, and Damian Farrelly will be on the airwaves from 2pm.