This July marks 10 years since One Direction first exploded on the scene, so naturally enough, it'd be the perfect time to announce some kind of reunion.

Although it's been rumoured and hinted at for some time, it does look like something is finally on the horizon. In a snippet from his interview on 'Redknapp's Home Fixture', Horan confirmed that talks had happened, but a full-blown band reunion is way off in the distance.

"We've been chatting about it, little bits and pieces that we can do (to mark the ten-year anniversary), but nothing in terms of getting the band back together, so for now, no," Horan told Redknapp.

Just last month, Liam Payne told People Magazine that they "definitely want to do something" for the anniversary, but wouldn't specify what that was. "I mean, it's a tough one. I can't promise any reunion plans because it just isn't it right now. I always put it down to music language because everyone's releasing at the moment with like two years worth of promo," Payne said.

One Direction formed on 'The X Factor' in July 2010, eventually going on to become one of the most recognisable pop groups in the world and selling well over 50 million albums in that time. Since then, each of them have had varying levels of success as solo artists, with Horan releasing his album, 'Heartbreak Weather', earlier this year.