Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it seems that the festive cheer has sent one Austrian radio DJ over the edge.

Joe Kohlhofer, a DJ on Antennae Carinthia in southern Austria, barricaded himself into his studio last week by blocking the door with a chair, and began his 8am show by playing Wham!'s 'Last Christmas'.

That'd be fine on its own, of course, but he continued to play the song on a two-hour loop - that's 24 times in a row.

Kohlhofer said that he wanted to get listeners into the 'festive spirit' and fielded calls from desperate listeners asking him to play something else. He was eventually persuaded to stop - as his producer and co-host watched through a glass partition - by his four-year-old daughter, who said that she didn't like the song.

The station said that the stunt was not planned, which doesn't quite explain the slick promo video they had to hand… but in any case, watch it below (in German):