Kanye West has filmed an audition for 'American Idol' which is due to be shown on the programme in full next month.

His wife Kim Kardashian tweeted a clip of the audition yesterday (below), which sees the rapper say "My name is Kanye, I'm from the south side of Chicago. I'm originally a producer. I always wanted to rap and no one really believed in me, so I wanted to try some things out, ya know?"

Kardashian is shown outside the audition room speaking to Ryan Seacrest and insisting that she's 'not nervous' while her husband is believed to rap one of his biggest hits, 'Golddigger'.

It's the final season of American Idol, which may explain why West is pulling such a stunt as his new album 'SWISH' is due out in 2016.

Watch the short clip below: