As much as we love bringing you our take on all the latest entertainment news, reviews, pictures and features, sometimes we get a wee bit tired of looking at our own words on the screen. That's why we love it so much when you, our valued users, tell us what you think by leaving comments across all So, what better way to reward your contribution than a weekly prize for the person who leaves the best comment?!
Every week, we'll be scouring the whole of for the cleverest, funniest, wittiest, sweetest, most interesting and generally best comment left by one of our uLike members. Then each Friday afternoon, starting next Friday April 1st, the author of the chosen comment will then be awarded with a €50 An Post One4All Card. Well, what are you waiting for? Hop to it. To be with a chance to win you can comment anywhere on Remember to keep it clean and on topic...
Best of luck!