Clay tablets unearthed by archaeologists in Syria in the 1950s reportedly uncovered the oldest song in the world, it has been revealed.

According to website Open Culture, which brought it to our attention, the tablets had script written in the ancient Hurrian language and "contained cuneiform signs", which led them to believe that it was an ancient hymn from Sumeria that dates back 3,400 years.

In case you're not aware, Sumeria was an ancient civilisation in Mesopotamia, the general area that modern-day Iraq, Syria and Kuwait occupies.

Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, a professor at a Californian university managed to transcribe the signs into musical notation in the 1970s, and the piece was interpreted and put to music by Dr. Richard Dumbrill in recent years.

You can hear it below - but try to ignore the midi keyboard tones.


An interpretation of the hymn on the lyre can also be heard below: