Former Cream bassist Jack Bruce has launched an attack on Led Zeppelin, describing the rockers as 'crap'.

Bruce was a member of the '60s blues-rock band with Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker, but he's till not a fan of his one-time rivals - describing Jimmy Page's guitar-playing as 'crap' in comparison to Clapton's, and is miffed that the touted LZ reunion is getting so much press attention.

He told Classic Rock magazine: ""Everybody talks about Led Zeppelin, and they played one fucking gig - one fucking lame gig - while Cream did weeks of gigs (when they reformed in 2005); proper gigs, not just a lame gig like Zeppelin did, with all the keys lowered and everything. We played everything in the original keys. Fuck off, Zeppelin, you're crap. You've always been crap and you'll never be anything else. The worst thing is that people believe the crap that they're sold. Cream is 10 times the band that Led Zeppelin is."