Consider this: you're Alex Reid, you have come to the end of a stunningly average mixed martial arts career, you're a former reality TV contestant who hasn't appeared in the pages of tabloids and gossip mags in months. How do you raise your profile once again? Well, you attempt to start a music career, of course.

Reid's debut single 'Stardust' is due for release next month and it's really, really, really bad. The song was produced (for want of a better term) by Ministry of Pop and, says Reid, is about his love for his current flame Chantelle Haughton. The track made an appearance on YouTube on Tuesday and somehow received over 125 'dislikes' in a little more than ten minutes which is, it must be said, quite an impressive achievement.

'Stardust' is a mind-numbingly excruciating track of faux house synth beats with Reid's horrendously auto-tuned vocals attempting to shoehorn a melody over the proceedings.

Reid and Ministry of Pop weren't too enamoured with the reaction and pulled the song from YouTube when they became aware of the negative backlash but not before some bright spark was able to salvage a 23 second clip from the song before it was yanked, which you can hear below. Warning: do so at your own risk.