He’s already a stalwart of the Irish music scene, having established himself as one of our finest proponents of electro-pop bangers - both as a solo artist and as one half of HousePlants, the band he formed in 2021 with Bell X1’s Paul Noonan.

Now, Daithí is taking the solo route once again, releasing his third album ‘I’m Here Now’ on September 9th. His new single ‘Sunset (feat. Ailbhe Reddy) is out now, and you can hear it below.

1.What’s the music that you listened to growing up, that you still listen to today?
Avril Lavigne's album Let Go was huge for me, it came out when I was 12. Fun fact that anyone who knows me has heard a million times by now: The song Sk8er Boi was actually written about me. I used to skateboard around my village, and the girl I fancied used to do ballet classes in Galway, and now I play music for a living. I'm glad I could inspire Avril to write such an amazing song. 

2. In three words, describe the minute before you walk on stage.
Tom Ford Walk - When I play in HousePlants, we get our suits on and our bassist Glenn sprays Tom Ford aftershave into the air and we all walk through it together, it's become tradition. 

3. How do you wind down after a gig?
There's a special place in my heart for that moment the adrenaline has died down and I go back into the now empty venue and start wrapping cables. It's the gig equivalent of a cup of tea after work. 

4. What’s the one song (by another artist) you wish you’d written or recorded first?
Territory by The Blaze is a fantastic dance song. One of those songs that on its surface seems so simple, but the emotion and depth it holds is like nothing else. 

5. What is your pet peeve?
Drum circles in the festival campsite. It should be illegal! 

6. Name one record, one book and one film that everyone should hear / read / see.
One record: Glow On by Turnstile. 
One book: Norwegian Wood by Murakami
One film: Victoria (2015) directed by Sebastian Schipper

7. Pick the director and lead actor(s) for a biopic about your life.
Director: Pat Collins
Actor: Leonardo Di Caprio (He can shadow me for a few months to get into character. 'That's Leo, just ignore him, pretend he's not here')

8. You’re ordering take-away, what do you get?
Mr. Kebab in Ballyvaughan. The loveliest man in Clare! 

9. Describe your perfect day off.
Playing video games, but also eating seafood by the beach? Maybe I can bring the playstation to the restaurant? 

10. Tell us, in one sentence, why we should come to your next gig (whenever it may be.)
There's a guy who goes to the Galway shows that often brings a life size replica of a kestrel, and just flies it over the crowd for the whole gig. 

BONUS QUESTION: Recommend a podcast and tell us why we should subscribe to it.  
Oh god! I have too many recommendations for podcasts. Bonus for your bonus, here's six: No Encore, Sweet Bobby, Dreamguns Film Reads, Tape Notes, Heavyweight & Things Fell Apart.


Daithi's new single 'Sunset' (feat. Ailbhe Reddy) is out now, while 'I'm Here Now' is released on Strange Brew Records on September 9th.