Treasure Planet
2002 Action/Adventure | Animation | Family | SciFi/FantasyFifteen-year-old Jim Hawkins stumbles upon a map to the greatest pirate trove in the universe. The tale follows Jim's fantastic journey across a parallel universe as cabin boy aboard a glittering space galleon. Befriended by the ship's charismatic cyborg (part man, part machine) cook John Silver, Jim blossoms under his guidance, and shows the makings of a fine spacer as he and the alien crew battle supernovas, black holes and ferocious space storms. But even greater dangers lie ahead when Jim discovers that his trusted friend Sliver is actually a scheming pirate with mutiny in mind. Confronted with a betrayal that cuts deep into his soul, Jim is transformed from boy to man as he finds the strength to face down the mutineers and discovers a "treasure" greater than he had ever imagined.