Thriller: A Cruel Picture

1974 Action/Adventure | Drama | Suspense/Thriller | Horror

After being raped as a child by a greasy derelict, Madeleine (Christina Lindberg) is left mute. Fifteen years later, she has grown into a beautiful, but very traumatized young woman. After missing her bus one day, Madeleine is picked up by a smooth-talking man named Tony Dill (Heinz Hopf), who hooks her on heroin and forces her into prostitution, slicing one of her eyeballs out with a scalpel in graphic detail (Lindberg claims director Bo A. Vibenius used a real corpse) when she revolts. When Madeleine's parents commit suicide, she snaps, and begins training in karate, stunt driving, and shooting, biding her time for a violent revenge. That's when the shocks really begin, particularly in the original version, which is 15 minutes longer than the truncated print released by American-International. Lindberg suffered similar travails in Gustav Wiklund's smarmy (but less explicit) Exponerad three years earlier.~ Robert Firsching, All Movie Guide