The Order of Rights

2021 Drama

The Order of Rights is a pro-life film. The story centers around Emma Stein, a pregnant single girl whohas been advised by her mother to have an abortion. Despite the objection of the child's father, EthanCarpenter, and his promise to help her, she decides to go ahead with the procedure. When Ethan andhis family file a lawsuit on behalf of the child's right to life, the drama escalates as Emma's mother, Kerri,contacts a friend in the Associated Press. Before long, the case is mired in media frenzy. The court has todecide whether the child in Emma's womb is a person or not, and if so, if it is endowed with theunalienable rights as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. The title, "Order of Rights" refersto the order in which the categories of rights are deliberately listed in the document: Life, Liberty andPursuit of Happiness.