Terminal USA

1995 Drama | Comedy

An American sitcom family is parodied in this scathing satire that is part of the Independent Television Service's TV Families series. The family is comprised of Japanese-Americans fit into the typical Anglo sitcom family mold. The results are hilarious as they deal with drugs, sexuality, discrimination, aging, and the perils of parenting. Ma loafs around in the house dressed in her lovely bedroom clothes taking the life-support drugs of ailing Grandpa. Dad, the perfect TV dad, has a secret urge to murder his sick father. Their daughter is a pregnant cheerleader addicted to sex; their twins boys are total opposites. Kazumi is a drug addict with a space case for a girlfriend. Marvin is the classic computer nerd who secretly lusts after men in uniforms. Surrounding this family are drug-dealers looking to collect on owed money, cheerleaders on a vendetta, and a family lawyer looking for new prospects for the kiddie-porn industry.~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

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