Otto the Rhino
2013 Animation | Comedy | FamilyIn this engaging children's movie, a little boy named Topper (Kristjan Markersen) has a magic pencil that brings to life anything he draws on his apartment's walls. This helps him fend off the loneliness of an absent father, taken away for long periods by his work at sea. Everything seems to come to life when a bright yellow rhino drawn by Topper walks off the wall and eats vast quantities of dark bread and hay as a regular diet. Like most newborns, he loves those who feed him and pay him some kind attention but has no truck with the nasty innkeeper (Axel Stroebye) downstairs. Topper and the innkeeper's son Viggo (Erik Petersen) are the best of friends, enjoying life together as they go around town in an old children's stroller that they alternately push or ride. Although the innkeeper is after the magic pencil and makes life as miserable as he can for the young boys, he is inevitably thwarted in the end. Both charming and technically adroit, the fantasy and reality portrayed in the film would be entertaining for parents as well as children.~ Eleanor Mannikka, All Movie Guide
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