
1999 Drama | Comedy

This Italian drama follows the exploits of two Albanian immigrants struggling to establish themselves in bustling Rome. Their story began as one of three stories in director Matteo Garrone's debut feature Land in Between (1996). Protagonists, Gherti (Julian Sota) and Ghini (Llazar Sota) live in a crowded flat with their uncle, and they work in a restaurant. The two find their living arrangements unsuitable, so their boss attempts to help them by suggesting that they move in with his friend, known only as The Photographer (Corrado Sassi). It's a nice place, but the brothers find the small neighborhood intimidating. Eventually, Gherti tires of his brother's domineering ways and leaves him. Soon afterward, Gherti becomes friends with Lino, who came from Sardinia thirty years before. Several years ago, Lino's wife went mad and disappeared; he fears she has drowned. The film played at the 1998 Venice Film Festival where director Garrone received a FEDIC Award - Special Mention and a Runner(s) up Kodak Award.~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

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