Freak Orlando

1981 Drama | Comedy | SciFi/Fantasy

As Orlando (Magdalena Montezuma) enters the world of freaks, the movie develops scenes from a mythological netherworld, the Spanish Inquisition, the Middle Ages, and a few other settings to focus on unusual characters with physical or mental oddities. By the time the various vignettes that take place in these separate periods are completed, each with their own points and counterpoints, the freaks seem much less odd than their physically normal contemporaries. After Orlando has revealed much about the human condition through glimpses of a P.T. Barnum side-show, Siamese twins, as well as modern sexual morés, her journey with the viewer is completed. The device of Orlando, the time-traveler and liberated bisexual is based on Virginia Woolf's Orlando: A Biography. The same set of actors play different roles in each of the five chronological segments.~ Eleanor Mannikka, All Movie Guide