Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster

1965 Drama | SciFi/Fantasy | Horror

Despite the title, this outrageously bad Rock 'n' Roll monster movie from Puerto Rico features neither the titular monster-maker nor his lumbering creation. Instead, we're presented with an astro-robot named Frank, who comes to save the day when Martian forces led by Princess Markuzan (Marilyn Hanold) begin kidnapping scantily-clad Earth females from sock-hops and beach-blanket shindigs everywhere -- apparently with the intent of populating a few parties of their own. The aliens manage to french-fry most of Frank's face off, but he nevertheless manages to snap back (after a few minor adjustments) and give the invaders what-for. Also known by the more honest title Mars Invades Puerto Rico.~ Cavett Binion, All Movie Guide