Ein Rucksack voller Lügen

1997 Comedy | Family | Documentary

In anticipation of their class excursion to Salzburg, Hannes, Kathi, and Joschi plan to visit a football game of their favorite team. Their teacher, Mr. Schweiger, refuses to give in to their wish from the very beginning and thus only stirs the rebellion within the three children. Frustrated, the three of them test the patience of the teacher by acting up. The teacher soon has enough and orders the three of them back into the bus and tells the driver to keep an eye out for them. The children wait for the right moment to flee and run off to the football stadium where they meet their big heroes. In the meantime, the driver notifies the teacher who again alarms the police. The three kids miss their bus and watch it drive off with their fellow classmates. When they try to call Joschi's grandma, they run into a thieve. A turbulent night follows, hunted by the police, thieve, and teacher, they are locked into a museum. The following day, when they meet Joschi's grandma at the train station, things seem to come to a happy end.