Chocolate Babies

1997 Drama

Despite their claims of being more tolerant than other social groups, the homosexual community is not without its pariahs. Just ask gay, HIV-positive African American and Asian drag queens who wryly refer to themselves as chocolate babies. Bound together by their outsider status, they decide to form a radical activist group whose purpose is to out and otherwise harass conservative politicians and homophobes. Some of the members who are near death feel that they have little to lose, and they are the more radical of this radical group. Their alternately hilariously satirical and touchingly melodramatic story is told from the perspective of a more moderate member, Sam (Jon Lee), an Asian-American who has gone undercover to work in the political arena. His commitments become divided when he forms a romantic relationship with a closeted city councilman. One of the film's highlights is the performance of Dudley Findlay Jr. as The Larva. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide

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