2014 Action/Adventure | Comedy | FamilyOrdinary, overlooked 12-year old Pelle is transformed into an extraordinary superhero after he is bitten by a super-ant and inherits its abilities. Overnight, the boy who nobody noticed becomes a local hero and is dubbed "Antboy". With the help of a new friend and sidekick, the comic-loving geek Wilhelm, climbing walls, flipping cars, stopping robbers and saving babies all become part of his new dream life. But all this changes when super-villain "The Flea" kidnaps a young girl, the subject of Pelle's affection and terrorizes the citizens of Middelund. Antboy, Wilhelm and their friend Ida who won't take no for an answer, must fight this treacherous evil, rescue the damsel in distress, save the town from a super-villain and be home in time for dinner. Superheroes come in all sizes!