2017 Drama

On a summer day in 1945, an Orthodox man and his grown son return to a village in Hungary while the villagers prepare for the wedding of the town clerk's son. The townspeople - suspicious, remorseful, fearful, andcunning expect the worst and behave accordingly. The town clerk fears the men may be heirs of the village's deported Jews and expects them to demand their illegally acquired property back.

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Our Review

by Gavin
Star Rating:


On one balmy summer’s day in a small Hungarian village finding its feet again after World War II, the people prepare for the wedding: Arpad (Tasnadi), the son of Istvan (Rudolf), the village’s clerk/big shot/bully, is marrying a local woman much to Istvan’s wife Anna’s (Nagy-Kalozy) chagrin, as she was engaged only recently to a soldier and fears the young woman has eyes on her son’s drugstore. Into this mix come two unknown Jewish men (Ivan Angelusz and Marcell Nagy) and the town fear they are the heirs to properties in the area, properties that were distributed among the villagers when the Nazis deported the village’s Jews to concentration camps…

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