Star Rating:

The Rocket (2014)

Director: Kim Mourdant

Actors: Loungnam Kaosainam, Sitthiphone Disamoe, Sumrit Warin, Suthep Po-ngam

Release Date: Monday 30th November -0001

Running time: Laos minutes

When a dam company plans to flood their valley, ten-year-old Laos peasant Ahlo (Disamoe) and his family make the long trek into the jungle to their new settlement, which turns out to be nothing more of a shantytown with hastily erected shacks set on weak soil. This development, along with the death of his mother, are attributed to Ahlo's 'curse' by traditional grandmother, he being a twin that survived birth. With little else to do in these new surroundings, Ahlo befriends Kia (Kaosainam) and her alcoholic James-Brown obsessed uncle (Po-ngam), and they explore the local fields, still dangerous as they hide unexploded rockets, mines and bombs from the Vietnam War.

It's hard to get a grasp on The Rocket. On one hand it's a touching, easy-going coming-of-age drama and on the other an exploration of a country's psyche post a devastating war it was dragged into. There is anger at the Laos' destruction at the hands of the concentrated American bombing of Operation Menu and the zapping of its resources since, but the resentment is dulled, muted. Just like how the villagers accept the news of the dam company's impending plans - the villagers shuffle, listen to the pre-recorded video message, and shuffle out again. Not one word of objection is raised.

There's a Bicycle Thieves relationship between Ahlo and his father (Warin), a good man but too weak to stand up to his tyrannical mother, which fades in and out of the film while Ahlo's curse and his grandmother's insistence that he's bad luck just peters out. What is consistent is the sweet first love between Disamoe and Kaosainam.

It can look beautiful - the rolling hills and mountainous jungle make for stunning scenery, while a monk's bright orange robe brings to life a drab background - but The Rocket is too content with just hanging about. A real plot eventually happens by: Ahlo hopes to convince Kia's disturbed uncle, known only as Purple after his sole suit, to help him build a rocket so he can enter it in the local town's yearly rocket show. The competition prize money is reward enough but everyone hopes that their rocket will be the one to end the drought that has plagued the country. This is the real story but it only kicks off a half hour from the end.