After being pulled out of the Mediterranean by some Italian fishermen with a couple of bullets lodged in his back and a Zurich bank code in his hip, a young man (Damon), who is suffering from amnesia, goes in search of his identity. We soon discover that his name is Jason Bourne and he was one of a team of highly trained CIA assassins, headed by Conklin (Cooper). Bourne's mission was to kill an African politician, threatening to spill the beans on the agency's more dubious practices. Since he's failed in his task, it's up to Conklin and his other agents to haul Bourne in. Problem is, although Bourne doesn't have a clue who or what he is, the skills that he has been taught are quickly coming back to him.
As it's adapted from a Robert Ludlum novel, an involving, realistic and emotionally-dextrous plot is not one of Bourne Identity's strongest points. Pleasantly engaging without ever really demanding your attention - a fantastic high speed chase through the streets of Paris, honourably excepted - Bourne Identity is a clean, crisp thriller that might not be the most cerebral film, but it is a very competently made one. An enjoyable farce, which respects the limitations of its source material.