** Preview ** Catherine (Lemercier), a wealthy TV soap star, is tired of television and hopes her debut on the big screen (which opens on the 17th) will allow her cast off the shackles of one-dimensional characters she usually plays, and finally put in a performance that actually means something. Piano prodigy Jean-Francois (Dupontel) is the toast of the international scene, but he just wants to be left alone as he diligently prepares for a major Beethoven recital on the 17th. Businessman-turned-art connoisseur Jacques (Claude Brasseur) has amassed an impressive collection but plans to sell it off on the same day. The three sometimes cross paths, usually at a small cafe, where they fuel their neuroses and wait on Jessica (De France), who is arriving in Paris to embark on a quest of fame and fortune. Writerdirector Thompson doles the humour and pathos with equal measures and generously takes a back seat to the performances, wishing not to impose on the three storylines she cleverly weaves with impressive shots.